Last month's post, garnered the most comments of any post I've published -thank you for reading and caring enough to make public your comments!
A Shout-Out to...
Dorothy F. Bednar for voting in her 15th Presidential election (even if this was just the primary- Missouri didn't always have a primary!)
Micaela Johnson, Arthur Johnson, and Caroline Godfrey for participating in their very first primary caucus.
Here is what Caroline wrote about her vote...
I'm so excited that for the first time I got to voice, truly voice my opinion in the American Democratic system. The turnout was amazing; the place was soo crowded! People came to vote and were excited about it. Right before we went in to vote I was STILLL trying to figure out who to vote for. Hillary or Obama? Obama inspired me to care about voting, but Hillary is ready for the White House. It truly was a Super Tuesday!!!
Here is what Micaela wrote about her vote...
The reason I voted was to change America. I would like the economy to be reliable so i will be able to get a job in a few years when I graduate from college. I voted for Obama because to the young people in his country, he is fresh and clean and inspirational. Our generation wants a president with no history and Obama is brand new to us. He is uniting the young people of this country and that has to happen if we are really going to change America!
To the lovely woman who sat next to me at Hillary's speech at Hunter College last week who told me, "I'm a proud to be liberal because it means I look beyond my own interests and take into consideration the interest of others, too."
Who Will I Vote For?
I am a demographic. That sounds odd but that is what a pollster hack sees when he looks through his kaleidoscope to define who the voter is. I am divorced (anulled through the plenary power of the local dioceses), remarried to a beautiful and intelligent woman, a father of three incredible boys, and, I am a corporation. I'm a lawyer and I defend those accused of committing crimes.
I live in the world that most people are able to see and read about through the talented writings of more eloquent lawyers. In my world and yours, interrogations are not just a political issue limited to debate during times of war or presidential elections. They occur on a daily basis in any small town across the United States, not just in Cuba or some CIA building located in Europe. Those interrogated are not just the shoe bombers, the Muslims, or the Arabic men shuttled through the dark of night in an unmarked government jet.
Those interrogated are your neighbors, your co-workers, your brothers and sisters, and your children. When the government starts to chip away at our freedom because "it will make us safer," it should signal that we are about to give up something that is precious. We would never sacrifice something important unless there was something more important to be gained. That is why this con is always masqueraded as the pillow we lay our head on at the end of the day. The comfort we've been looking forward to, the security that we all need.
Is this what Malcom X thought when he said, "Don't be bamboozled or hoodwinked by the man!" Because that is what has happened over the last eight years. The demographic described in the first paragraph, has been so eager to trade his constitutional rights so he can take his wife and 2.5 kids to Applebee's and sit there safely and eat jalapeno poppers, that he does not give a shit that his son is, one day, going to be interrogated down at the county jail until he confesses to something he didn't do.
What is patriotic about letting the FBI conduct a "sneak and peak" search of your home because you donated to a questionable charity or surfed websites linked to terrorism? What is patriotic about letting the phone company and your internet provider disclose all of your records to overzealous field agents working for the Fed? What is patriotic about being stopped on the interstate and having to explain to a cop where you've been and what your intinerary is? Why do we sacrifice for safety? We don't. We sacrifice for political expediency. It's bullshit and it has to stop now.
I want a president that is going to value our constitutional rights. I want a president that looks to strengthen our right to counsel, our right to a speedy trial, and above all, the right of privacy in our homes. We've had enough and it's time to fight back.
I was recently impressed with the new-found strength of a client that sent her husband to the emergency room with a punctured lung. Mr. Tough Guy had been an abusive fellow for most of his relationship with my client. Taking advantage of her, as well as taking his problems out on her, she was his personal punching bag. She's been to the hospital, too. Black eyes, bruised spleen, broken jaw, and other "accidents" that afflict similar women. Tough Guy boasted that as soon as he came out of the bathroom she was going to get the ass kick'n she deserved for looking at his friends the way she did.
Things did not turn out so well for Tough Guy. He came out of the bathroom all fired up but he was greeted by the most appropriate of all things, a "survival" knife. After an extremely intense struggle, she called the paramedics to haul him off. She had enough.
Sure, he paid the rent, he brought home money for the kids to go to school, and money to put food on the table, but the security he offered was really none at all. Tough Guy had his own version of the Patriot Act.
Only fourteen Senators voted last year for change. Obama and Clinton were two of them.
Hillary is going to be my "survival" knife. Hillary is going to be my Big Sun. She can do what Obama dreams of doing.

Hillary is like the woman described in that song.
Hillary is the strength that we need.
When I first started defending people, I was frustrated when people told me that they appreciated my positive energy and my desire to fight their case and to fight for their defense, but they had decided to hire another attorney with more experience. However, after a decade of criminal defense work, I have not only gained the necessary experience, but the positive energy and the will to fight has grown stronger. When I look at Hillary, I see me. Hillary is not deterred by the obstacles and the challenges, those are her strengths, that is her energy. Hillary is my choice because I don't give a fuck where I lay my head down at night. Right now, the sense of security is false and I want it to be real.
I will hire Barack one day but not today.
Guest Blogger, DGB, a criminal defense attorney remains anonymous to protect his client's privacy.
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